Rohini Nakshatra in Vrishabha/Taurus Zodiac mapped with mobile astrophotography
Rohini Nakshatra is made of 5 stars and Rohini is the brightest of the 27 Stars, with a brightness of 0.85. The distance between Krittika and Rohini is about 12.5 degrees (E-W). If a single star has to be identified as representing Rohini Nakshatra, best candidate is 87 Tauri - Aldebaran also known as brāhmī.
Rohini Nakshatra occupies 10° — 23°20' in Vrishabha.

Rohini nakshatra has a mythological story associated with it which has been elaborated here along with the astrological implications of this star.
As seen in the picture captured, Rohini is represented by 87 tauri, 77 tauri, 61 tauri, 75 tauri and 54 tauri.
The Rohini Lunar mansion(Hyades) is the closest cluster of stars to the Sun. It is an open cluster and is bright enough to have been remarked on even thousands of years ago, yet is not as bright or compact as the nearby Pleiades/Krithikka (M45) star cluster. It has vivid star colors and faint coincidental nebulas.
The brightest star Aldebaran is the the eye of the bull in Vrishabha Rashi. No wonder all the four padas of Rohini lie in Vrishabha itself. This is the only complete star in Vrishabha.
Formed about 625 million years ago, the Hyades likely shares a common origin with the Beehive cluster (M44), a naked-eye open star cluster toward the constellation of Cancer, based on M44’s motion through space and remarkably similar age.
We will see about Mrigaseerisham Nakshatra in the next post. Have a great day :-)