Purvaashada / Pooradam nakshatra captured in Sagittarius constellation using mobile astrophotography
Purvaashadha/Pooradam Nakshatra is the 20th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology in Sagittarius constellation.
पूर्वाषाढ (Purva-ashadha) comes from the Sanskrit words पूर्व (early) and अषाढ (invincible). One meaning of Purva-ashadha is “the early invincible one,” indicating eagerness, power, and steadfastness. All 4 padas of this lunar mansion fall in Sagittarius/ Dhanush raasi.
The ruling deity of this Nakshatra is Apah, Apąm Napāt, mean “child of the waters” in Sanskrit.
Sandhya Vandanam consists of parts of the आपः सूक्तं (Aapah Suktam) like
आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्ता न ऊर्जे दधातन ।
महे रणाय चक्षसे ॥१॥
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः ।
उशतीरिव मातरः ॥२॥
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ ।
आपो जनयथा च नः ॥३॥
शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये ।
शं योरभि स्रवन्तु नः ॥४॥
These “Waters” are, like the Agni, a universal force, and have spiritual, cosmic and natural relevance. They are the streams of thoughts, which foster insight, inner vision, inner fire — and thus the catalysts behind the nourishing of inner self. Thus, they are often termed “mothers” who “nurse” the divine concepts. Without these catalyst thoughts, divine insight does not sustain itself.
More than a “creative force”, they are a “nursing force”, the Apas. And nursing is not just nourishing, but also healing. Thus, while Agni is the source of all auspicious things, Apas are the source of all healing remedies. Agni is the Child, Apas are the foster mothers. Soma unites with Apas to churn out Agni. As the best metaphor for foster mothers, Apas are called Cows.
The Apas can thus be loosely translated as Cosmic Waters, but the Cosmic term not just limiting itself to an outward physical cosmos. The sky is filled with waters, so is the Earth. The mind is flooded with waters.
In a recent revelation, I understood how such a nursing/nurturing quality of women makes her understand the viewpoint of a suffering person irrespective of their age. That kaarunyam makes us take pity and not be angry anymore and mind becomes a healing apah. :-)
Let us have a look at the Poorvashada Nakshatra captured in Sagittarius constellation.

δ Sagittarii — Kaus Media — apparent magnitude +2.70
ε Sagittarii — Kaus Australis — apparent magnitude +1.85
While both Kaus Media and Kaus Australis are included in the lunar traverse band of this Poorvashaada Nakshatra, Kaus Australis with +1.85 apparent magnitude is very significant as the binary system in the southern part of the Sagi constellation.
We will see the lunar mansion, Uttara shaada in our next post. Until then, have a great day :-)