Nakshatra Bharani in Aries Zodiac mapped with mobile astrophotography
As we saw already, there are 27 Nakshatras (28 actually and Abhijit was later removed in Jyothisha shastra for convinience) tracked along the zodiacs in the Atharvana veda. Every Nakshatra measures 13.20' (13 degrees and 20 minutes).
Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 parts of 3.20’ (3 degrees and 20 minutes). These parts are called padas.
Each pada has the characteristics of a sign of the zodiac, starting with Aries.

Therefore, the pada system can be seen as a system which integrates the Nakshatras with the commonly used zodiac.
In 3 Nakshatras we have 12 padas. As each pada represents a sign of the zodiac in a group of 3 Nakshatras we find the entire zodiac in the form of pada signs.
Now each sign of the zodiac/ Rashi covers 9 padas.
Bharani nakshatra like Aswini is a whole nakshatra in Aries / Mesha rashi and occupies 13.20 degrees — 26.40 degrees in Aries
Bharani is defined by three stars as seen below:
a. 41-Arietis , with an apparent visual magnitude of 3.63 is a triple star system is the dominant star.
b. 39-Arietis, officially named Lilii Borea is a star with magnitude 4.5.
c. 35-Arietis is a binary star with visual magnitude 4.65.

Bharani captured as part of Mesha Rashi at an early morning sky while Aries is rising in the east side. Now while discussing this star , it reminds me of my late aunt who used to speak highly about this star and say “Bharani dharani ya aalum” (A person born in Bharani Lunar mansion will have the ability to rule the world) :-) . With 1 pada of Krithika Nakshatra in Mesha/Aries and the other 3 pada in Rishabha/Taurus, we will see Krithikka Nakshatra next. :-). Have a nice day :-).